Lost Decade of Peru

Write three analytic papers commenting on broad topics covered in class, and related to the country they are assigned. The papers will build on each other, in a way such that the third paper will be a long paper that provides a coherent whole that historically assesses the trajectory of a country in terms of its economic and political development. The first two analytic papers should be between 1200 and 1500 words each and they will be worth 10% of the final grade each; the third one should be between 3800 and 4500 words, and it will amount to 10% of the grade for the course.
The paper will examine the Lost Decade in the Peru. Issues to be covered include the stagnation of the ISI effort, and the crisis of authoritarian regimes, as well as the oil and debt crises as triggers of the deep economic decline that Latin American countries suffered during the 1980s. Include a paper outline with the draft you submit for peer review.
The format of the paper assignments will allow you to improve on the weaknesses of your earlier papers by following my comments and your peers’ comments on your work, as well as to re-write portions of them as you progress and–as a consequence–refine your interpretation of the facts and arguments that composed your first and second papers.

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