Ident ify the main decisions that must be made.
Ident ify additional information needed to inform your decision.
Human, Fiscal, and Technological Resources
Organize staff to ensure the safety of students and consistency of response.
Ident ify additional resources needed to ensure safety of students and staff.
Safety and Welfare of Students and Staff
Ident ify legal rulings regarding the safety and welfare of students and staff to consider in making a decision.
Identi fy district policy regarding the safety and welfare of students and staff that might affect a decision.
Collaboration with Faculty and Community
Identi fy possible stakeholders involved in the decision-making and/or affected by the recommended solution.
Solution and Rationale
Ex plain your solutions for addressing the situation.
List action steps you would take to implement the solutions, including a timeline for implementing them.
Provide a rationale for your proposed solutions. Explain how the solution protects the welfare and safety of students and staff, complies with laws, rights, and policies, and involves appropriate stakeholders.