Maria Repnikova’s 2017 book: Improvising Power under Authoritarianism.







I. Essay Question (minimum 800 words): 20 points

According to Maria Repnikova’s 2017 book, Media Politics in China: Improvising Power under Authoritarianism. Cambridge, UK; New York: Cambridge University Press, 2017, how did critical journalism develop in China? Based on Repnikova’s book, lectures and course discussions, what do you think are the features of China’s critical journalism and what does this type of journalism reveal about the relationship between the Chinese government and Chinese news media and its media professionals? (




II. Essay Question (minimum 800 words): 20 points
Some people see the Internet as playing a crucial role in empowering Chinese citizens in their pursuit of more information, freer expression of opinions, greater social justice and more accountability in the government. Others see it as no more than another instrument that government and business interests use to influence and control the Chinese society. Still others are cautious about making sweeping generalizations about the effects of Internet technologies and argue for a more nuanced approach to the question. How do you assess the political implications of the development of the Internet and social media in China? Based on course readings, lectures and class discussions, write an essay in support of your claim.






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