Marketing Strategy


Marketing Objectives (1-2 slides): Define specific goals in terms of sales revenue, units and market share. Confirm market share for what product market. Provide a simple bar chart with year over year projections for five years. Summarize justification for objectives.
Pricing Strategy (1 slides): List pricing for each offered product or service. Why did you choose your pricing strategy? How will your pricing position you against your primary competitors? Using the example as a guide, create a chart that lists all of the relevant features on the left. Across the top, list your product and all of your competitors. Check off which competitor has each feature. List product price at the bottom of each column. (Some examples of pricing strategies include: Penetration, quality maintenance, skimming, harvesting, survival or social objectives.)
Distribution (1 slides): What is your distribution strategy? Why? Create a simple flowchart to show channel design. Refer to the example distribution flowchart to help you. Provide specific examples of channel members. What type of transportation methods will be used? Will storage be needed?
Promotion Strategies and Schedule (1-2 slides): What promotional strategies will you utilize? Advertising, personal selling, sales promotion and/or public relations? Please list out specific promotional strategies. Why? If utilizing media advertising, indicate media channels and provide specific examples within each channel that you will utilize. What TV programs? Which newspapers or magazines? If you will exhibit or sponsor conferences, list the conferences by name. You are to specifically list out each of your promotion tactics. There should be an explanation of your strategy. Provide a one-year monthly calendar with promotional schedule in chart form. See Table 1 Example Promotional Schedule below. If running ads or any kind of programs, list them in the calendar. List the product launch date in calendar. Why did you select your promotional mix? Why did you choose the timing for your promotion schedule? M7A1 Table.PNGTable 1. Example Promotional Schedule
Promotion Budget (1 slides): Which method will you utilize to determine budget? Percentage of sales, competitive parity, objective/task, etc? Why? The budget amount should be realistic for the market goals of your proposed product/company. A range of 5% – 25% of sales revenue is a relatively safe bet for promotion costs depending on product and corporate strategy. Subtotal each budget line item by promotional category, then determine total budget amount. Total budget should be $3MM or higher.

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