Mary E Wilkins The Revolt of Mother

Think about what you believe the theme/point is behind the story. Create a thesis statement that clarifies what you believe the theme is of your assigned story.  Then, create body paragraphs that serve to prove these thesis statement. End your essay with a conclusion paragraph.  You must cite from your short story and create a works cited list.
The readings from Lesson Two explain how to write an academic essay about a short story.  You are expected to demonstrate an understanding of this information within your essay. Please use New Criticism to interpret your chosen short story within your essay; that is, you should offer a close reading of your chosen short story. Please do not merely summarize the work.  Instead, you must ‘prove’ some sort of interpretation (point – theme) about the work, using the literary vocabulary discussed in lessons one and two. Please do not use any other additional sources in your work. There should be citations as you use examples from the reading, and the only citation should be from your selected reading as your source. Your interpretation must be at least 500 words, but no more than 750 words.
Please remember the following:
Avoid any and all summary sites within your essay.
Use MLA format and citations in this essay.
Make sure your essay has a clear introduction and thesis statement (topic plus point about that topic) at the bottom of your introduction.  Please introduce your chosen short story in your introduction.
Make sure your body paragraphs are focus on proving your thesis statement – theme of the story.
Do not summarize the story.  I have read the story and know it well.  I want to know your unique interpretation of this story.  Use literary vocabulary and connect it to the reading.
Make sure to have a conclusion that does not bring in new information.





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