Multicultural Population Selection

In preparation for your Multicultural Population Research Paper, select a population on which to focus your research paper. The population you select must be

one with which you do not personally identify. When selecting your population, keep the following research paper requirements in mind:

The population’s cultural mores and norms, and an explanation of the intersection of identity and the subsequent relationship to this population’s worldview
The potential multicultural concerns and therapeutic needs related to psychological assessment, diagnosis, and treatment for this population
The factors a psychologist should keep in mind when working with these clients
Any additional information deemed relevant for the psychologist when working with this population
The paper must include a minimum of 10 primary references from psychological literature that focus on the cultural mores, norms, identities, and multicultural

concerns related to psychological assessment, diagnosis, and treatment for the population you selected. Supplemental resources are recommended and encouraged.

Although the e-mail containing the selection of your multicultural population is not a graded assignment, your Instructor may decline to approve your

selection and, instead, assign a multicultural population to you in order to cover a number of diverse populations in the course.

Submit the multicultural population you selected in an e-mail to your Instructor by Day 7 of Week 3. The subject of your e-mail should read: Last Name, First

Initial: Multicultural Population Proposal. In your e-mail, name the population you selected, and explain why you chose that population.

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