Needs Assessment Outline




As a manager and developer of your business plan, it is necessary to re-examine your selected business’s current consumer base to ensure that your recommended solution (e.g., the introduction of a new or updated process, product, or service) is aligned with consumer preferences and needs. Strategic managers use problem-solving based on research to determine the accuracy of target markets and make necessary adjustments based on their customers’ needs.


Gather research for your selected business to develop a consumer needs assessment.


Review the Week 4 summative assessment instructions, as the research you gather now will be used to develop your Week 4 summative assessment deliverable.


Assignment Deliverable
Create a 1- to 2-page outline in which you organize research on consumer needs for your selected business. Include the following:

Detailed relevant information to be gathered on your selected business’s target market consumer
How and when the information about your selected business’s target market will be collected
How the target market information to be gathered aligns with the impetus for change in your selected business, addresses identified challenges, and aligns with strategic management principles
Why you decided to gather this specific information.

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