Negative impacts of physical restraint on patients and staff in inpatient mental health settings.


Negative impacts of physical restraint on patients and staff in inpatient mental health settings.LO1: Construct a problem/issue/need identified from practice that impacts on individual outcomesLO2: Formulate a focus-based enquiry on the identified problem/issue/need utilising an area of individual learner interestLO3: Critically evaluate the evidence base to support the proposal of the solution focused initiativeLO4: Develop your personal and professional skills, exercising initiative and personal responsibility in line with the NMC Code, (2018).Abstract: Summary of Literature Review (250) wordsMain Literature Review: Background/Introduction (150). Talk about topic, why is the topic important, relate topic to my chosen population. (700) words for Background.Method (500) words:What is Literature review and why is it important in nursing and relate it to NMC Code, e.g. evidence base practice.Paragraph 2: Question development, what PEO stands for, why PEO framework is important for LR e.g. it allows to develop research question. As a result of PEO this was the result generated (Negative impacts of physical restraint on patients and staff in inpatient mental health settings).Paragraph 3: why is Inclusion and exclusion criteria important, one example of inclusion and one example of exclusion criteria. E.g. it helps to filter research question.Paragraph 4: Which database is use, backup with reference, talk about key words use and filters apply. Why filter is important, example of inclusion criteria (using only uk material). Reference why Boolean research is relevant.Talk about research materials, specify type of article e.g. qualitative and quantitative article were found. Talk why qualitative article are appropriate for my research.Why is appraisal important in Literature review, specify which appraisal was use.Result Section (1600-1900) words.Three themes will be generated e.g. Stress. Discuss article that talked about stress, provide strength and weakness of the study.Discussion (300-400) words:Summarise what I have identify from the theme and results from the article. You can bring in other primary literature to back up findings. What issues or problem find e.g lack of research in UKRecommendation

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