In 5 to 7 hundred words, please explain some of the major functions of government. Topics can include, but are not limited to, the following:
(1) foreign diplomacy,
(2) military defense,
(3) maintenance of domestic order,
(4) administration of justice,
(5) protection of civil liberties,
(6) regulation of elections,
(7) provision for public goods and services,
(8) promotion of economic growth and development,
(9) operation of social- insurance programs to prevent future poverty (Medicaid, Medicare, VA, Child’s Health Insurance Program, Social Security Disability, Widows, Social Security Supplemental Income, etc.), and
(10) operation of social-welfare programs to alleviate existing poverty (welfare, TANF, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program or Food Stamps, Supplemental Security Program, HUD Housing Choice Voucher Program, HUD VASH, etcetera).