choose a trend and a policy from the following lists to use in
your response.
Trend: Choose one of the following trends from your Bredekamp text to discuss:
• New policy initiatives at the federal and state levels
• More focus on standards and accountability resulting in an increased emphasis on
child assessment
• Calls for greater alignment across the full early childhood age span
• Increased teacher qualifications
• Expanding the role of technology
• Increased stress in the lives of children
• Continuity and change
Policy: Choose one of the following federal or state policies to discuss:
• Strong Start for America’s Children Act (2014)
• Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA)
• Race to the Top
• Common Core State Standards (CCSS)
• Discuss: In your initial response, include the following for both your chosen trend
and chosen policy:
• Explain the trend and policy and the history that led to the inception of each.
• Critique the trend and policy by describing the perceived benefits and
disadvantages they can have on each of the following:
o Children
o Families
o Educators
Propose at least two ways you, as an early childhood leader, will ensure that you
and your staff stay current with policies and trends in the field of early childhood
education. Be sure to include the role that accountability plays in your proposed