Peplau – the nurse–patient relationship
• Orlando’s theory guide
• King’s Conceptual System Theory
• Neuman Systems Model
• Leininger’s Culture Care Model
• Watson’s Theory-Love, Transpersonal caring
• Parse’s theory of Human Becoming
After reviewing the above mentioned theories, Please answer the following questions. You should have 2 slides per theory with a total of 8 theories discussed.
• Describe the theory
• Provide 3 examples of how the theory applies to current practice – Give 3 examples of each theory (number and label examples, such as Nightingale Example 1. ….)
• Provide 3 positive patient outcomes resulting from utilizing the theory (List/explain 3 benefits (label as Patient Outcomes)
• Explain 3 benefits to nursing satisfaction when utilizing the theory (label as Nursing Satisfactions)