Observations about ancient Native American civilizations


What are your observations about ancient Native American civilizations from the class materials? How might your understanding of how Native Americans lived have changed from learning more about it in this class?
What is your opinion regarding the possibility of ancient transoceanic travel? Do you think that Native Americans had contact and/or trade with civilizations on other continents prior to the Vikings?
Do you believe that the Kensington Runestone is an authentic artifact from a Viking expedition in 1300’s A.D. or is it a hoax?
Do you believe that the “cocaine mummy” is proof of trans-atlantic trade by Egyptians or Africans?
In answering all these questions be sure to give the reasons for your opinions. Even if you do not have an opinion you should still analyze all possible scenarios. Also explain the likelihood of other possibilities even if you do not believe they are possible. You are also invited to disagree and challenge this professor in fact doing so reflects positively on you.
Wait and submit your midterm until close to the deadline as we may cover more relevant material soon.
Write an essay of at least five pages double spaced 12 point New Times Roman font, discussing your thoughts on these readings. It is an individual exam so you may not collaborate with other people, but you may ask a librarian for help. You may use any sources but are not required to do so.
If you cut and paste text, then quote, do not paraphrase with cut and paste as it tends to not work well and may cause plagiarism allegations. Proper paraphrasing is best done by reading text on one side of your screen and writing on the other one. If you need help ask a librarian. All papers must be submitted on Canvas by the deadline and will be screened by Turnitin. No paper copies will be accepted


Read or skim, watch or listen to the following:

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_archaeological_periods_(North_America)#Culture,_phase,_and_chronological_table_for_the_ Mississippi_Valley




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