Ontology, human nature, society, epistemology

Up to this point in the course, we have had very intentional exposure to the nature, basis and foundation of our
political assumptions (ontology, human nature, society, epistemology).
We have examined these assumptions carefully, with an eye towards sequentially unfolding each of these
unique propositions and then letting them build into a more comprehensive foundation for the background of
political thought.
Now it’s your turn to build these disparate parts into a comprehensive whole!

Using writings from all 4 philosophical bases examined (not ALL the writings from each, but a sufficient
amount), you must put these bases and assumptions into conversation with each other. Using the (often
conflicting) assumptions found in many of these writings, you are to distill areas of convergence and
divergence, taking note where particular assumptions and arguments build upon each other in order to give us
a comprehensive view of our political gaze.
Some examples: how does ontology inform assumptions of human nature? How do assumptions of human
nature inform images of society?

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