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Consider the overall structure or hierarchy of your organization or one with which you are familiar. Which organizational structure best describes your organization—line (or bureaucratic), ad hoc, matrix, service line, or flat? Note: It is possible to have a combination of structures in one organization. Is decision making centralized or decentralized in this organization? What is the role of committees, task forces, and councils in the organization, and who is invited to join? Consider how this relates to formal and informal leadership. Reflect on how decisions are made within a specific department or unit. Which stakeholders provide input or influence the decision-making process?
Describe how decisions are made within the organization and within one department or unit in particular, noting relevant attributes of centralized/decentralized decision making. Explain the influence of formal and informal leadership on decision making within this department or unit. Discussion 4 Discussion: Critiquing a Change Effort As a nurse leader, you need to have the skills and knowledge to collaborate and communicate with those who plan for and manage change.
Reflect on a specific change that has recently occurred in your organization or one in which you have worked previously. What was the catalyst or purpose of the change? How did the change affect your job and responsibilities? Consider the results of the change and whether or not the intended outcomes have been achieved. Was the change managed skillfully? Why or why not? How might the process have been improved? By Day 3 Post a summary of a specific change within an organization and describe the impact of this change on your role and responsibilities. Explain the rationale for the change, and whether or not the intended outcomes have been met. Assess the management of the change, and propose suggestions for how the process could have been improv