Overview of these main concepts to present at a webinar for a fictitious not-for-profit organization.

Create a PowerPoint Presentation that presents an overview of these main concepts to present at a
webinar for a fictitious not-for-profit organization. The organization promotes environmental protection and the overall health of
urban populations. You have agreed to help them. Please create a presentation of at least 10 slides that cover the following main
topics below.
• Examine key principles of environmental technology. Explain key benefits of environmental technologies. Identify
environment-related health concerns.
• Types of water pollution and impacts on the environment
• Impacts of environmental pollution on human health
• Surface water quality and sources of pollution
• Groundwater quality and sources of pollution
• Key components of a municipal drinking water distribution system
• Difference between stormwater and municipal wastewater systems
• Explain water distribution piping systems. Explain sanitary sewer piping systems.
Include a summary slide.

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