Patient is well groomed but very jittery and nervous.


Video summary
Patient is well groomed but very jittery and nervous. Looking away from interviewe. Does not answer interviewer question rather dwells in her hallucination and delusion Patient definitely exhibits Psychosis symptoms such as disorganize speech/behavior, delusion hallucination, self references
Her roommates reported that she had been hallucinating and hearing things that hadn’t been said
The patient believes that there’s people listening to her and monitoring her movement
Her aunt had passed away, and had raised her through her childhood
She’s looks on edge and constantly look around the room as if she’s expecting someone to pop out of nowhere
She thinks her neighbors are Russian spy’s, and speaks in code and that they are liars
The patient stated that she stayed in her car for about 6 hours closely observing her neighbors just in case they did do anything (Dwells in her hallucination)
She believes that her ‘Russian’ neighbors are terrorist coming to destroy her house
Partially agreed to have been taking prescription medicine but stooped abruptly due to belief that the medication is bad and that the medications are part of the problem
She had thoughts of hurting herself and her roommates,

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