Persuasive Speaking


Share your thoughts on persuasive speaking. Here are some ideas to get you started:
What leads you to perceive a speaker as credible?
Does your perspective of the credibility of a speaker weigh heavily on your perception of their trustworthiness and integrity? Why?
Have you ever experienced being in a culture different to your own and found yourself having to navigate/sorting out credibility in a professional or personal
setting? How did you know how to signal credibility? What changes did you need to make in your verbal and nonverbal communication style? Did any of
those changes feel uncomfortable or inauthentic?
How important is it to you to know the speaker is abiding by ethical standards? Why?
Persuasive Speaking
Use your Communication in Our Lives text to read the following:
Chapter 16, “Persuasive Speaking,” pages 311–344.
National Organization for Human Services. (2015). Ethical standards for human services professionals.
As you review this resource, consider how these ethical standards apply to communication and persuasive speaking.

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