Piaget’s theory of genetic epistemology

  1. The three primary components of Piaget’s theory of genetic epistemology are:
  2. How do the components of Piaget’s model of genetic epistemology relate to the model of brain and mind discussed in video-lecture, text, and videos? Please put in parenthesis and underline specific pages from text and specific videos used to generate this answer.
  3. Which components of Piaget’s model of genetic epistemology are related to the Nature Hypotheses discussed in video-lecture, text, and video, and how? Please put in parenthesis and underline specific pages from text and specific videos used to generate this answer.
  4. Which components of Piaget’s model of genetic epistemology are related to the Nurture Hypotheses discussed in video-lecture, text, and video, and how? Please put in parenthesis and underline specific pages from text and specific videos used to generate this answer.
  5. How are the components of Piaget’s model of genetic epistemology related to the execution of behavior during critical/sensitive periods as discussed in video-lecture, text, and video and how? Please put in parenthesis and underline specific pages from text and specific videos used to generate this answer.
  6. Please describe variables that YOU think should be included in the environment to enable successful execution and development of mental processes during the stages Piaget defined and discussed in video-lecture and your text. Please put in parenthesis and underline specific pages from text and specific videos used to generate this answer.
  7. How are components of MIND involved in Natural Selection as defined and discussed in video lecture and text?
  8. How are components of MIND as defined in text and video lecture involved in expression of APRIORI behavior and mental processes?
  9. How are components of MIND as defined in text and video lecture involved in expression of APOSTERIORI behavior and mental processes?

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