Political science


  1. Produce your final document based on the work you developed in your annotated bibliography and in response to feedback I provided on the marked version of your assignment which was returned to you with your mark.
  2. The assignment should be no more than 2000 WORDS (this is a change from previously)
  3. Attach the correct citations in your bibliography and ensure that you use a consistent citation method of your choosing in the work. This is extremely easy, and making errors in this aspect of work is both mind-numbing for the reader and a silly distraction for you. Select a method, stick to it, get it right. This is a simple data entry. The correct citations are on the syllabus. Please do not include long chains of website data! What on earth does that do for you intellectually? Critical thinking is the trait of a superior student; being mired in formalism is the attitude of the inferior student.

use all of the following sources
The Prince. Machiavelli, N. 1532. 19-90
The Prince. Machiavelli, N. 1532. 91-150
Leviathan. Hobbes, T. 1664. 33-42, 65-71, 111-115, 115-122, 139-148, 175-191
Second Treatise of Government. Locke, J. 1689. 18-30, 120-124
On Liberty. Mill, J.S. 1859. 73-85,121-139
The Communist Manifesto. Marx, K. and Engels, F. 1848. 24-42
‘US House Members in Their Constituencies: An Exploration.’ Fenno, R. The American Political Science Review. Vol. 71, No. 3. September 1977. 883-917
The Concept of the Political. Schmitt, C. 1932. 19-79
‘Origins of War in Neorealist Theory.’ Waltz, K. The Journal of Interdisciplinary History. Vol. 18, No. 4. Spring 1988. 615-628
‘Love and Power.’ Morgenthau, H. Commentary. Vol. 33, No. 3. March 1962. 247-251
‘Debate on the New Global Capitalism – Transnational Capitalist Class, Transnational State Apparatus, and Global Crisis.’ Robinson, W. International Critical Thought. Vol. 7, No. 2. 2017. 171-189
‘The Partition of India and retributive genocide in the Punjab, 1946-1947: means, methods, and purposes.’ Brass, P. Journal of Genocide Research. Vol. 5, No. 1. 2005. 71-101
‘Princely states and the making of modern India: Internationalism, constitutionalism and the postcolonial moment.’ Bhagavan, M. The Indian Economic and Social History Review. Vol. 46, No. 3. 2009. 427-456
‘My Vision is to get 85 percent of India into cities.’ Interview with P. Chidambaram. Tehelka. May 31, 2008.
‘Ethnic and sectarian violence and the propensity towards praetorians in Pakistan.’ Haleem, I. Third World Quarterly. Vol. 24, No. 3. 2003. 463-477
‘The Shape of Frontier Rule: Governance and Transition, from the Raj to the Modern Pakistani Frontier.’ White, J. Asian Security. Vol. 4, No.3. 2008. 219-243
‘The Rise of American Authoritarianism.’ Taub, A. https://www.vox.com/2016/3/1/11127424/trump-authoritarianism. March 1,

‘Left/Right Ideology and Canadian Politics.’ Cochrane, C. Canadian Journal of Political Science. Vol. 43, No. 3. September 2010. 583-605
‘Exiled, Executed, Exalted: Louis Riel, “Homo Sacer” and the Production of Canadian Sovereignty.’ Bruyneel, K. Canadian Journal of Political Science. Vol. 43, No. 3. September 2010. 711-732

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