Preschool Classroom



A 2/3-year-old classroom of 12 students. In the room you have one student Maria who comes from a home where Spanish is only spoken. Maria’s parents seem very interested in supporting her, but language is a barrier for them to communicate their needs to you. You also have one child Johnny who has cognitive and physical delays which require him to work with an aid most of the time when he is in your room. Johnny’s mom is very worried about him and would like to schedule regular meetings with you to review his goals and progress throughout the year. Then, you have a 3-year-old boy Michael who is living with a foster family after being moved around a bit. The family is overwhelmed trying to help him manage his behavior and he tends to lash out at other children often.

Initial Post
Using a tool such as CanvaLinks to an external site. or PowerPoint,

Create a visual representation for the schedule, transition, or routine you were assigned when you spun the wheel. Attach a copy of you visual to your post.
Describe the rationale for your schedule or the procedures for the routine or transition you will use with your group of students throughout the day.
Explain how the schedule, transition, or routine you designed is inclusive of all learners in your chosen classroom.
Describe how the schedule, transition, or routine you designed is grounded in research to support a positive learning environment for your chosen classroom.

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