Prisoners’ rights with the rights of free American citizens.


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Compare and contrast prisoners’ rights with the rights of free American citizens. Discuss the significance of the Prison Litigation Reform Act to the criminal justice system. Should prisoners receive more rights than they have now? Why or why not? What legal services do inmates have available to them during incarceration? Are the services they receive adequate? What are some of the obvious pros and cons of needs assessment programs? Explain. If one of the three programs needed to be cut (drug programs, therapeutic communities, or anger management) in prisons, which would be the least damaging cut? Why? While vocational training has shown to be effective, should jails and prisons be required to offer religious instruction when it has been deemed not necessary and unconstitutional in schools in the United States? While many city libraries suffer for adequate funding, prison libraries have expanded in recent years. Do you feel that prisoners should have the right to libraries? Why or why not?

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