Project Assessment and Selection

For your course project, you will identify a local issue or problem that needs to be dealt with and suggest a
solution. For the first part of the project, you’ll interview five people (they can be family, friends, co-workers,
classmates, neighbors, whomever) to find out what they think is the most important local issue or problem
right now. For each of your interview subjects, provide the following information:

  1. Demographic information: this is important because it provides context. You’ll include their gender, age
    (or age group), race/ethnicity, at a minimum. You can include anything else that you think would be relevant,
    such as occupation, level of education, etc., at your discretion.
  2. Their response to: What do you think is the most important local issue or problem in Jacksonville (or
    wherever you live) right now?
  3. Their response to: Why do you think this is such an important issue or problem?
  4. Their response to: Do you have any suggestions as to how this issue or problem could be solved?

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