Proofs in Geometry


This essay requires the viewing of a 15 minute video and a separate reading. I have listed the necessary links below. Pre-Viewing This video illustrates the potential of hands-on work using physical models to support student exploration of proofs in geometry. Complete the pre-viewing section on the following website: Complete the Half the Area? attachment below. View the Video and Read As you view the video, keep in mind the topics for discussion questions located in the post-viewing section. Click: and choose the video “Finding Proof” (this is video #9) Read Meno by Plato found on Post-Viewing and Reading Exploration Complete the topics for discussion section on the following website: One way to use Meno by Plato is to have several students read the script and draw diagrams as they read. Work through the Activities and Problems Related to the Method in Meno sheet. Written Requirement In a well written 1–2 page essay, using Times New Roman, 12-point font, double-spacing, and 1-inch margins: Part I. Respond to the questions listed in the first two sections in topics for discussion. (See Below) Topics for Discussion How does this approach to find proof compare with traditional methods? Why do you think Mr. Davidson interrupted the group discussions and offered two suggestions? How did his suggestions affect students’ discussions? What was the result of students sharing their reasoning as they worked together? How did Mr. Davidson guide students to use both inductive and deductive reasoning? Do you think it is important for students to continue to use straightedges, compasses, and protractors in secondary–school mathematics? Why or why not? How can technology enhance the teaching and learning of geometric concepts, specifically, concepts related to proof? The NCTM Curriculum and Evaluation Standards state that “College–intending students should also see how their school mathematics fits into the larger picture of advanced mathematical studies” (p. 185). For example, these students could investigate properties of other geometry systems (i.e., spherical geometry) and compare them to Euclidean geometry properties. Discuss ways you could have your students conduct a similar investigation. What is the value of extending a problem over several days? Identify the lesson’s mathematical components and the amount of time you would plan for each component. How would you encourage students to feel ownership of the whole problem and to understand how the smaller parts connect over several days? If you extend a problem over several days, how do you decide which mathematical topics will receive less class time? The NCTM Curriculum and Evaluation Standards state that “Students gain a sense of the structure of mathematics over an extended time period through the general accumulation of experience, as well as through more focused activities” (p. 184). Describe how you could use an extended problem to help your students understand basic mathematical principles. Be sure to cite specific examples from the CCSS Mathematical Practices as well. Part II. In paragraph form, explain the ideas in the solution to the questions 1-6, Activities and Problems Related to the Method in Meno. This can be found in a link below. Method of Meno (Method of Meno) Half the Area? (Half the Area?) Exercise Files Rubric for Finding Proof Essay (Rubric for Finding Proof Essay)

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