Psychological Application

In recent years, psychologists have become more proactive when it comes to addressing issues related to
traumatic events. Psychological debriefings and critical incident stress debriefings are being provided to
individuals and groups in the hopes of averting more serious mental health issues (acute stress disorder and
post traumatic stress disorders). While these services have been widely implemented, it is only recently that
researchers have come to question their effectiveness. For this paper, locate two journal articles that address
the effectiveness of psychological debriefings and/or critical incident stress debriefings. Write a paper, in which
you include the information listed below. The paper is to be done in APA style with a title page and reference
Identify the journal articles with the appropriate headings
Summarize each article and research findings
Are the research findings in agreement with each other, or did the findings vary? If they varied, why might the
research come up with differing results?
Conclude with a paragraph or two sharing your thoughts about psychological debriefings and critical incident
stress debriefings based on the information you reviewed. Do you believe these services should be routinely
provided, should they only be provided in certain situations, or should they only be provided with certain

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