Reflecting on a Standard-Writing

Choose a standard from the North Carolina Standard Course of Study at (Links to an external site.) that you can focus on this entire semester and eventually, write a full lesson plan to teach this standard. For this assignment, you will choose a standard, then begin thinking about the questions below and also found on the template. This template will show you the process teachers engage in as they begin the planning process. This exercise is designed to help you begin planning considering key critical factors. There is an example of this assignment and a blank template on which you will respond to the questions as you complete the template above. On assignments, be sure to state your standard, grade level and content area, for example, 6-ELA-R.1.

As you think about the standard you have chosen for class assignments and eventually, creation of a lesson plan, ask yourself, what should students know, be able to demonstrate, or do at the end of instruction, and then write down at least three things students would need to know to meet this standard.
Next, think about what evidence students could produce to show they have learned the information or skill?
Would you have them demonstrate writing skills by having them produce a paper, or would you ask students to solve problems or explain an experiment?
What would the summative assessment look like for this standard? Would it be a paper, presentation, or a multiple choice test? Would it be drawing a conclusion from critical analysis through research, or would it be something different?

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