Research Methods in Criminal Justice – Nobles


Many of the principles and procedures that we discuss in research methods culminate in
some type of data collection. Whether involving surveys, secondary data from archives or
agency records, or qualitative fieldwork, data collection requires careful conceptualization
and planning.
Locate two academic journal articles from criminology/criminal justice journals that involve
different types of data collection procedures. For example, you might select one quantitative
and one qualitative article, or you might choose to contrast a study with primary data
collection against one that features data from agency records. Your focus should not be on
the subject matter or the analysis per se, but rather on the procedural aspects of how the
data was collected.
Your objective is to explore the data collection choices made by each study’s author(s),
offering your own insight on these aspects:
 First, identify the type of data being collected for in each study. Is the approach
quantitative, qualitative, or mixed? How do the author(s) describe their sampling
strategy? In your view, would a different approach to data collection (other than the
ones chosen in the example articles) be more fruitful? Why or why not?
 Second, describe the procedures that the author(s) have undertaken in each study.
What was the response rate in each case? If they asked participants to answer
questions, did the process involve surveys (paper-and-pencil, or online) or
interviews? If direct observation was involved, how were observations documented
for later analysis?
 Lastly, what limitations can you identify regarding the data collection procedures in
both examples? Were there any issues with missing data? Do you see any apparent
problems with validity or reliability? Did the study author(s) comment on these
limitations at all, perhaps in the article’s discussion section? In your view, how

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