Rhetorical Analysis of Jane Tompkins’s “‘Indians: Textualism, Morality, and the Problem of History”

Respond to each of the following:

  1. What is Jane Tompkins’s a) major claim, b) exigence, c) Kairos, d) context, and e) purpose in “‘Indians’; Textualism, Morality, and the Problem of History”? (you may list your answers)
  2. In one paragraph, describe the structure of Tompkins’s argument and explain why she chose that structure (your charting will help you with this). Tip: the choice is related to her audience.
  3. In one paragraph, identify one strategy Jane Tompkins utilizes to appeal to reason (logos) and provide one example of it from her text, using correct MLA in-text citation.
  4. In one paragraph, identify one strategy Jane Tompkins uses to appeal with credibility (ethos) and provide one example of it from her text, using correct MLA in-text citation.
  5. In one paragraph, identify one strategy Jane Tompkins utilizes to appeal to emotions (pathos) and provide one example of it from her text, using correct MLA in-text citation.
  6. Is Tompkins’s argument successful for her intended audience? Explain why or why not.

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