
  1. Collect data from all of your intervention condition so far. You may have around 7 to 14
    days of data in this condition, depending on when you started implementing your
    intervention plan and what day of the week you are preparing this assignment. Report on at
    least data from the first 5 days of the intervention condition. Contact me if you have any
    questions on what data to use for this assignment or if you have any problems reporting the
    results from at least 5 days of your intervention.
  2. Graph the data you collected for the intervention condition along with your data for all of
    your baseline condition. Use a behavioral line graph for your daily recordings, just like the
    ones that we have seen in this course. Be sure to fully label the X and Y-axes of the graph.
    Add all the data from your baseline condition along with all the data from your intervention
    condition (one data point per day for each condition). That way, you should end up with up
    to 14 data points for the baseline condition (depending on when you began and ended this
    condition), followed by the data points from your intervention condition (with a minimum
    of 5 data points and a maximum of 14 data points, if you’ve had your intervention in place
    for a full two weeks).
    As before, you can find some good examples of the kind of graph that we are interested in
    chapter 4. For instance, take a look at Figure 4-1 on page 44 (now we’re covering the data
    for both baseline and intervention conditions).
    A sample behavioral graph with hypothetical data follows. This graph shows the frequency
    of daily verbal requests across baseline and intervention conditions. In this hypothetical
    case, my baseline lasted 14 days, and I am reporting on the first 7 days of the intervention
    Here is the sample graph:
    You may need to make more than one graph if you have been tracking data on multiple
    variables or behaviors. Again, if you have a question, just let me know.
  3. Report on your results for the intervention condition and contrast those results with what
    you observed for the baseline condition:
    Describe the length of baseline and intervention conditions and the days in which you
    collected your data. Report the dates for both conditions so that it is completely clear
    when your baseline and intervention conditions started and ended.
    Present and describe the graph that you prepared. Make sure that someone who is not
    familiar with your project can interpret your graph and follow along your presentation
    of the results.
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
    Verbal Requests

Summarize the intervention data – What is the mean level of the behavior? Is there a
trend in the data (upward or downward slope in the data for that condition)? Was there
a lot of variability in your results (the data points vary quite a bit from one day to the
next)? What does these data tell you about your target behavior?
Contrast the results of your baseline condition with those of your intervention. What
changes do you see? Are the results in line with your intervention goals? Has the
intervention plan that you prepared been effective?
Describe any problems you encounter while recording your data and how you handled
those problems.

  1. Include the data sheets that you used as an attachment at the end of your submission.
  2. Incorporate feedback you may have available from your third assignment for the selfcontrol project, as I may have provided information that you may want to consider when
    preparing this new assignment. Again, contact me with any questions or concerns.
    A document of the above should be submitted via Blackboard by 11:59 pm on Sunday,
    April 25, 2021. This assignment is worth 40 points of your grade in this course.
    Prepare your write-up by following this format (only include information pertaining to the
    sections included below):
    YOUR Name
    Learning and Behavior
    Psychology PSYC.3120
    Harold E. Lobo, Ph.D., BCBA-D
    Spring Semester, 2021
    Target Behavior

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