
  1. What is Simulation?
    (5 marks)
  2. Define “Random Numbers”.
    (5 marks)
    a) Statement: Let � be a uniform (0,1) random variable. For any continuous
    distribution function �, the random variable � defined by
    � = �−1(�)
    has distribution function �.
    Prove the above statement.
    (7 marks)
    b) If � is an exponential random variables with rate 1, then its distribution function
    is given by
    �(�) = 1 − �−�.
    Show that
    � = − ln(1 − �).
    (8 marks)
    Question Two: (25 marks)
  3. Explain the rejection method.
    (7 marks)
  4. Use the rejection method to generate a random variable having density function
    �(�) = ��
    2⁄ �−�, � > 0
    � = 1
    � (
    = 2
    Assignment Mr Hamuth Mohamad Farouk
    Page 3 of 5
    QUAN 1202
    (18 marks)
    Question Three: (25 marks)
  5. Explain the term “Monte Carlo Simulation” and explain how it is helpful in decision
    (3+3=6 marks)
  6. Use the mixed congruential method with seed 26 constant multiply 17 increment
    45 and modulus100. To generate 10 uniformly distributed random variables on
    (5 marks)
  7. Use inverse transform method to generate a random variable with density function
    �(�) =
    { �2
    4 − � + 1 2 ≤ � ≤ 3
    � − 2 − �2
    12 3 ≤ � ≤ 6
    0 ��ℎ������

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