Social research

Through this activity students will learn to formulate and manage a work or research project related to the social sciences that have been seen during the course. This will provide them with the possibility to identify pose and solve problems through research, reflective and critical thinking.


  1. Identify and define a social problem for research in my case “drug addiction in my neighborhood” (what and / or who is investigated?) And its justification (why do you investigate?).
  2. Establish the theoretical framework or literature review on the problem to investigate.
  3. Pose the working hypothesis of the problem to investigate.
  4. Design the research: how will the research be carried out?
  5. Do the research (experimentation). For example, through a questionnaire.
  6. Present an analysis of the results.
  7. Establish conclusions and possible solutions.
  8. Write a document on the subject under investigation.

This will be delivered in a Word file, using the Calibri 12 font. It must have a minimum of 2000 words and a maximum of 3000 in what corresponds to the following parts: introduction, content, conclusions, and solutions of the format described below. You must have the APA bibliographic annotation of three years or less.

In addition, the document to be delivered must have the following format:

Cover (subject, course, student name, date …)
The research issue or problem, with its justification (what / to whom and why).
Theoretical framework or literature review.
Work hypothesis.
Investigation process.
Analysis of the results.
Conclusions of the investigation.
Establish possible solutions.

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