Spring time renewal in Walden book mckibben edition

Directions: Below you will find two or three topics, each related to Henry Thoreau’s “Spring” chapter in his
Walden. Each student in this class is to select one of these and write an essay in which you develop a thesis
and support it in response to one of these topics. For this exam, you may use the book Walden (McKibben
edition) and any notes you may have made on this chapter; you may also use a dictionary. It resembles the
midterm in-class open-book midterm essay given in this course on March 13, and is graded according to the
same rubric: 1. depth and grasp of reading; 2. use of clear, correct English; 3. effective organization and
strategy; 4. original and thoughtful content. Make sure to have a clear thesis and to use apt quotations to
support your own ideas.
Write about
Springtime renewal: Henry Thoreau writes, “…why the judge does not dismiss his case…It is because they do
not obey the hint which God gives them, nor accept the pardon which he finally offers to all” (294, para. 19).
How do you feel and understand this? Do you feel renewed in spring? Can you find significant examples in this
chapter showing Thoreau’s belief that springtime renews and redeems human nature?

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