Statistics Analysis

• Compare and contrast these EVM values with the previous calculated values, and offer your analysis/observations.
Create a three to four page document (not including the header or reference pages) in the form of a report that includes (Use the outline from the Week 2 Report with the below sections as the new Headers for the report):
• A cover page
• A brief introduction to the report; two to three paragraphs
• Three to four detailed paragraphs concentrating on the trends observed from this latest analysis
• Three to four paragraphs on your forecasts on future performance, final project completion status, additional recommendations
• A closing section with final conclusions

Week 6 assignment, your recommendations were approved, you altered the plan accordingly and your team worked to the new plan tasks, resources, schedule and costs.

Previous calculation Current
SV = -10520 SV=-80195.50
CV = -31875 CV=-35730
SPI =0.96 SPI=0.85
CPI =0.88 CPI=0.93
EAC =644591 EAC=609935.48
ETC= 375011 ETC=128565.98
VAC =-77351 VAC=-42695.48
TCPI = 1.11 TCPI=1.42

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