Successful in managing industrial relations in MNEs

respond to the following:

Consider IHRM in Action Case 9.3: Degussa’s global code of conduct from this week’s reading. What do you think makes codes of conduct successful in managing industrial relations in MNEs? How could Degussa improve its global code of conduct?
Be sure to respond to at least one of your classmates’ posts.
Classmate post-Global conduct is a set of rules/standards for business needs. It’s designed to encourage ethical conduct among a group of workers. Degussa has ensure their rules are respected. Improvements can take place by promoting awareness to make sure employees understand and follow them. Set good examples that starts from leadership.

Week 10-Please respond to the following:
Which of the following do you feel is the best approach when dealing with foreign bribery? Why?
Ethical Relativism: There are no universal or international rights and wrongs; it all depends on a particular culture’s values and beliefs.
Ethical Absolutism: You follow your own cultural values no matter where you are.
Ethical Universalism: There are fundamental principles of right and wrong that transcend cultural boundaries, and MNEs must adhere to these values.
Which of these ethical viewpoints might advocate criminalizing foreign bribery? Do you think that foreign bribery should be criminalized? Justify your response.
Be sure to respond to at least one of your classmates’ posts.
Classmate post-Bribery of public officials should raise serious moral and political concerns. Depending on the element of crime involved, it could have a disastrous effect. I believe the best approach is Ethical Universalism. I feel like if the intent is to benefit or profit from such act toward a government official, should be dealt with in the local laws. Some countries deal with these matters in a way that may be different and more harsh than other areas. I think that if you break the law, you should be punished. Some argue that adhering to strict laws and rules in areas that are corrupt, should not expect them to abide by strict laws and customs. I think that is not true and that there is a code of ethics and laws that should be universal, no matter where it is located.

Week 11-Every course you take is an investment in the “Business of You.” Take a moment to reflect on what you’ve learned over the last 10 weeks and answer the following:
How will you apply what you have learned in this course in your professional and personal life?
What challenges did you have in this course, and how did you grow from them?

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