A description of the diagnosis and common symptoms using lay terms A holistic treatment plan that includes: One medication and one evidenced-based non-pharmacologic treatment that is used for this […]


  A description of the diagnosis and common symptoms using lay terms A holistic treatment plan that includes: One medication and one evidenced-based non-pharmacologic treatment that is used for this […]


Joint National Commission 1) What is the JNC8 goal for the general population for patients aged >60, and what is the initial antihypertensive treatment for Nonblack population? 2) What is […]


        Hypertension is a serious medical issue that can increase a person’s risk of developing other chronic diseases. This 46-year-old African American woman remains hypertensive despite metoprolol […]


Expectations for This Project You should be able to do the following: Identify a nutritional topic of interest that can be applied to a current nutritional issue Identify information that […]


  Develop an instructional brochure on the nutritional aspects of one of the disorders below: Hypertension Include in your brochure all points below: Explanation of the pathophysiology of the disorder. […]