As educators (future educators) It is very important that we know and understand the events that are happening across the United States and how they are impacting our schools […]
Practical illustration in politics, religion, medicine and law
Using practical illustration in politics, religion, medicine and law explain why a value judgment, unlike a factual statement will have no object truth
Class, race, religion, and education so salient in terms of voting predictability
Why are certain factors such as age, region, class, race, religion, and education so salient in terms of voting predictability? Explore these factors to explain what about each of […]
Cultural attitudes towards race, color, national origin, religion
How is your body impacted by dominate cultural attitudes towards race, color, national origin, religion, gender (including pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity or transgender status), age, disability, and other considerations […]
How people from the Middle East see themselves in terms of nationality, ethnicity, religion
How do people from the Middle East see themselves in terms of nationality, ethnicity, religion, and other forms of social and personal identity? In what ways are their identities […]
Choose just one of the themes from the list below. Note developments of that theme in the Old Testament to the New Testament (N.T.), and show how N.T. writers reinterpreted […]
Once you have chosen one aspect of cultural diversity to study in-depth, prepare a Research Paper with the following components: 1- Summarize the pertinent historical, political, social, economic and […]
Using the following definition of religion: “Religion is (1) a system of symbols which acts to (2) establish powerful, pervasive, and long-lasting moods and motivations in [people] by (3) formulating […]
In what significant ways do the authors’ approaches to the study of religion differ?How does Martin’s critique/approach directly relate to Eliade’s?
Religion, Identity and Populism
Describe and compare two political parties or movements who use religion actively in their political rhetoric. One of the cases should be from Europe, the other case should be from […]