Teaching Case Study




Write an 8–10 page analysis paper, using the community college case scenario, about
events at the colleges that includes the following: Senge’s four core disciplines
(personal mastery, mental models, shared vision, and team learning), organizational
disabilities, systems archetypes, and a systems map; Paul and Elder’s critical thinking
tools; Stroh’s four-stage change process, Stringer and Aragon’s action research inquiry
cycle, critical thinking questions for stakeholders, and recommendations for the college
Analyzing case studies that detail organizational experiences of change can inspire
potential solutions to effectively manage organizational transformation. This assessment
provides an opportunity for you to gain insight into organizational change. Through your
analysis of the events and stakeholders in the case, you will be able to advance your
understanding of key course concepts as they appear in authentic organizational
contexts. The case will prompt you to interpret events from various viewpoints and to
identify crucial decision points in the case.

Using the community college case scenario, write an 8–10 page analysis paper about
events at the colleges that includes the following: Senge’s four core disciplines
(personal mastery, mental models, shared vision, and team learning), organizational
disabilities, systems archetypes, and a systems map; Paul and Elder’s critical thinking
tools; Stroh’s four-stage change process, and Stringer and Aragon’s action research
inquiry cycle. Include critical thinking questions for stakeholders, and recommendations
for the college president.
● Introduce the case.
○ Preliminary Introduction of the Case: Summarize the case.
Provide a synopsis of the Community College case that
enables the intended audience to understand the events,
including events, stakeholders, and challenges that will be
● Use disciplines of learning organizations to analyze problems of practice.
○ Disciplines: Apply the lens of the four core disciplines
(personal mastery, mental models, team learning, and shared
vision) to the case and provide an analysis of the extent to
which each discipline reveals organizational dynamics and
contributes to organizational learning or addresses the
organization’s problems.


Analyze the organizational disabilities and systems archetypes present in
the case.
○ Organizational Disabilities: Describe how at least one
organizational disability is represented by events in the
○ Systems Archetypes: Explain and map at least one example
of a systems archetype evident in the case. Include at least
one systems map as part of your presentation.
● Recommend change management strategies for the organization based on
the case.
○ Critical Thinking Tools: Before suggesting change
management strategies, identify critical thinking tools to
develop a set of questions you would ask the team members in
the case to uncover their assumptions and clarify the steps
needed for future progress.
○ Four-Stage Change Process: Describe and explain how the
four-stage process could be used by the Community College
leaders to improve the strategic planning process that
enhances the chances of success for proposed initiatives.
Refer to Stroh’s Thinking for Social Change text

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