Technical approach



review the three assignments uploaded below. Assignment 4 is the instructions of what you need to write up . This is not a cut and paste assignment, Please demonstrate that you’ve incorporated each feedback provided into assignment 4 .

The project proposal will follow a template modeled on the key elements of a USAID RFA, including:
Executive summary: brief summary of project approach, high-level goals, why the project team expects to be successful, based on the description of the project team from the intervention
Technical approach: problem statement, goals and objectives, project strategies, explanation
of how project strategies meet stated goals and objectives and conceptual frameworks underpinning project strategy
Implementation plan: description of project activities and how they align with project strategy, description of how and when project team will implement activities
M&E plan: logframe with outputs, outcomes, and impact, description of measurement
activities designed to track progress on proposed indicators and capabilities needed
toconduct measurement activities effectively
Management plan description of project team and capacities to implement project strategy
Each student will develop a 15-page, double-spaced proposal, presenting and justifying the project
they have developed. The project proposal will follow a standard template developed for the class. It
should be appropriately referenced within the prescribed page limit. The log frame can be included’

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