The challenges, process, and labor connected to the production of wine.

You will be examining the way winemakers describe the challenges, process, and labour connected to the production of wine.

Step 1: Listen to either or both of these oral histories of winemakers in California

24 Jan 2004. Oral History: Romolo, Henrietta and Anita Romolo Mittelman (Part 1 and Part 2). [Audio]. Available through: Adam Matthew, Marlborough, Food And Drink in [Accessed October 07, 2020].

20 Aug 2007. Oral History: Francesco, Vito de Vito (Part 1 and Part 2). [Audio]. Available through: Adam Matthew, Marlborough, Food And Drink in History, [Accessed October 07, 2020].

Step 2: Use these oral histories to shape an argument about the daily challenges of winemaking and the labour involved. You might think about the differences between the status associated with fine wine and the labour required for its publication. Are these migrant businesses? How did personal and ethnic identities help shape the wine they produced? How did these businesses acquire land and eventually market their wines?

Step 3: Write your response paper, using specific evidence from the oral histories and 1-3 additional academic scholarly sources.

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