The contemporary Senate


The contemporary Senate is highly partisan; polarization is evident. Majority leaders work hard to enact their parties’ agendas. At the same time minority leaders’ use the tools they have to try to block enactment of the majority agenda. The most important tool the Senate minority has is the filibuster. When the filibuster is used, bills cannot pass the Senate without sixty votes. Except in rare instances, this means that at least a few minority party votes are needed. When important bills are filibustered and die in the Senate, Democratic and Republican activists and others have called for Senate rule changes to abolish the filibuster. President Trump, at times when he was in office, supported abolition of the filibuster. President Biden was initially resistant but he too has endorsed abolishing the filibuster in some circumstances. Do you think the filibuster should be retained, or do you think it should be abolished? Explain and support your views.


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