The Dobe Jul ‘hoansi – Critical Analysis

The chosen book is The Dobe Jul ‘hoansi – here is a link to the PDF of the entire book

Feel free to use any other sources as well like stated in the directions for the paper below.

The last section is the Critical Analysis (worth 60 pts). Within 2-3 pages, analyze the motivations and influences of the ethnographer, such as the use of cultural theory, inherent biases, factors that would influence and/or limit the ethnographer (such as age, race, gender, education, time period the ethnography was written in), impact of the study on the particular culture, the world at large and to the field of cultural anthropology. At the end, include a paragraph of personal evaluation of the work as far as readability, organization and usefulness. Be sure to include in-text citations for any information you get from your ethnography

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