The Ethos


Part I – Watch the attached video on the concept of “Ethos” and how it affects music.
Part Il – Complete a short response paper on answering questions from the attached reading.

1. Define and explain the Doctrine of Ethos according to the Ancient Greek Philosophers:
2. Apply both a Plutonian and Aristotelian approach to the Doctrine of Ethos:
A) For a Plutonian Approach, state how you would use music to instill excellence and how it may be used pedagogically in order to build character and promote ethical
B) For an Aristotelian approach state how you would use music to a pleasurable or practical end. Illustrate how music would be used for practical purposes by situation music with appropriate ethos in different social circumstances.
3. How does the Doctrine of Ethos influence the emotional impact of music?
4. How does the concept of ethos in music relate to cultural and historical contexts?
5. What are some criticisms or limitations of applying the Doctrine of Ethos to music?
6. How might composers intentionally manipulate ethos in their compositions to evoke certain emotions or moods?
7. How does the listener’s personal experiences and cultural background affect their interpretation of the ethos conveyed in music?
8. Can you discuss any contemporary examples where musicians or composers have consciously employed the Doctrine of Ethos in their work?
9. How do different genres of music utilize ethos differently, if at all?

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