The head of a professional pickleball tournament to survey


You have been hired as the head of a professional pickleball tournament to survey those in attendance at their
tournament. The event will be held in Miami and they anticipate having 20,000 people attend the tournament
over five days. You boss has a goal. They want to find out what sponsors will be the most beneficial the next
year and what data they will need to sell the sponsorship packages they intend to offer. Here is a sample of a
recent survey regarding more women sport sponsorship. women sports sponsorship survey.
Your assignment is to develop an appropriate survey that will help you identify key possible sponsors, prove the
value to the sponsors, and maximize the value of the sponsorship deal/ You have to develop the right questions
that will help feed you the numbers (“proof”) you will need. Besides developing the tool…how will you
administer the survey. Be very specific. For example will it be paper based? Will you have to hire people to go
through the stands and administer? You want the right data, but you don’t want to over burden fans, run up too
much costs, create too much of a data processing issue, etc…
How will you intend to communicate the results to sponsors?
Thus, it is a three part assignment: developing the right instrument, administering it, and then how will you
communicate the results?

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