The Impact of Social Movements in History



Write an in-depth essay that explores an important social movement in history and its impact on society. Choose a social movement such as the Civil Rights Movement, the Suffrage Movement, the LGBTQ+ Movement, the Industrial Revolution, or any other significant movement.

Introduction: Introduce the social movement, providing background information and context. Explain why this movement is significant and outline the main points you will cover in your essay.
Body Paragraphs:
History and Development: Describe the origins and development of the movement. Discuss key events, dates, and figures associated with the movement.
Impact on Society: Analyze the impact the movement had on society. Consider changes in laws, social attitudes, economic conditions, and cultural practices. Provide specific examples.
Challenges and Opposition: Discuss the challenges and opposition the movement faced. Explain how these obstacles were overcome (or not) and the strategies used by movement leaders and participants.
Legacy and Continuing Influence: Reflect on the lasting legacy of the movement. How has it continued to influence modern society? Are there any ongoing efforts or movements that stem from this historical movement?
Conclusion: Summarize the main points of your essay. Reflect on the overall significance of the movement and its place in history. Offer any final thoughts or insights.
Research and Sources:
Use a variety of sources including books, scholarly articles, reputable websites, and primary documents.
Cite all sources using a consistent citation style (APA, MLA, or Chicago).
Include a bibliography or works cited page.
Submission Guidelines:
Format: Typed, double-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font, 1-inch margins.
Due Date: July 20th
Submit your essay as a printed copy and a digital copy via [insert submission method/platform here].
Evaluation Criteria
Content and Analysis: (40 points)
Depth of research and understanding of the social movement.
Analysis of the movement’s impact on society.
Discussion of challenges and legacy.
Organization and Structure: (20 points)
Clear and logical structure with well-organized paragraphs.
Effective introduction and conclusion.

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