The Importance Of Surveys


A satisfaction survey is designed to assess the level of participant satisfaction with a professional development session. Results from satisfaction surveys can also help in the process of modifying presentations for more effective implementation in the future.

Develop a generic survey using a 1-5 Likert scale that could solicit feedback following any professional development session.

Include the following:

At least 3-5 questions to evaluate the quality and relevance of the information presented.
At minimum 3-5 questions to evaluate the effectiveness of the presentation and the presenter.
At least one open-ended response soliciting qualitative feedback.
Prepare your survey to be distributed to your colleagues via an electronic survey platform in EDU-588.

Submit links to your online surveys along with a 250-500 word rationale for your design choices, including the following:

How are the topics you suggested relevant to your particular organization or workplace?
Why is it important to collaborate with professionals to identify their professional development needs?
Why you believe the tools you developed elicit valid and reliable data? Support this answer with 1-2 scholarly resources

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