The linguistic, cultural, and historical turns Neoliberalism
Terrence J. McDonald, 1996, Introduction. In The Historic Turn in the Human Sciences, edited by Terrence J. McDonald, pp.
1-14. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press.
Geoff Eley, 2005, From Cultural History to the History of Society. In The Politics of Method in the Human Sciences:
Positivism and Its Epistemological Others, edited by George Steinmetz, pp. 496-307. Durham, NC: Duke University Press.
Harriet Bradley and Steve Fenton, 1999, Reconciling Culture and Economy: Ways Forward in the Analysis of Ethnicity and
Gender. In Culture and Economy after the Cultural Turn, edited by Larry Ray and Andrew Sayer, pp. 112-134. London, UK:
Sage Publications.
Group 2 = pg2:
Donald Nonini, 2003, American Neoliberalism, “Globalization,” and Violence. In Globalization, the State, and Violence,
edited by Jonathan Friedman, pp. 163-180. Walnut Creek, CA: AItaMira Press.
Simon Clarke, 2005, The Neoliberal Theory of Society. In Neoliberalism: A Critical Reader, edited by Alfredo Saad-Filho
and Deborah Johnston, pp. 60-69. London, UK: Pluto Press.
Ronaldo Munck, 2005, Neoliberalism and Politics, and the Politics of Neoliberalism. In Neoliberalism: A Critical Reader,
edited by Alfredo Saad-Filho and Deborah Johnston, pp. 50-59. London, UK: Pluto Press.
One group (3readings each) per page of anaylsis. Don’t waste space with “Name, Date, Course, Instruction” heading and no title separate sections with
intro and conclusion”. Just start with analysis, Times New Roman 12 Group 1 (McDonald, Eley, Bradley and Fenton/Ray and Sayer) = pg1 (The linguistic,
cultural, and historical turns ) Group 2 (Nonini, Clarke, and Munck) = pg2 (Neoliberalism) The reading notes should be an abstract, summarizing the
author’s goals in the chapter, the main points discussed and their interrelations, premises, and conclusions. They should NOT be merely a list of bullet
points, subtitles, or incomplete sentences. You should use your first sentence of the abstract to discuss the overall theme of the chapter and the
concluding sentences to tie together the various arguments made in the reading. The sentences between the opening and concluding sentences should
layout the steps in the argument developed by the author. I will send questions to guide the writing. – pg 1 Here are some issues you
might want to consider as you read Group 1 (McDonald, Eley, Bradley and Fenton/Ray and Sayer) Focus: **You need to identify whom you have read
(i.e., McDonald, Eley, Bradley and Fenton/Ray and Sayer) and what their arguments and conclusions are. Guide The Cultural Turn: What is the cultural
turn? How does it relate to the concepts of modernity, postmodernity, and postcoloniality? Sewall writes about éculture as a category of social lifeé and
éculture as system and practiceé? What are the similarities and differences between them? What does he mean by the éautonomy of cultureé and
écultures as distinct worlds of meaningé? How does he see a coherence between these views? How do Ray and Sayer view the écultural turné? Why does
the éculture-economyé distinction matter in their view? How do they view épostmodernismé in relation to the economy? What do they see as the moral-
political dimensions of culture and economy? How do they see class and difference in terms of economy and culture? How do they discuss capitalism and
work culture? (Sewall, Lash 8t Sayer) – Pg 2 Here are some issues you might want to consider as you read group 2 (Nonini,
Clarke, and Munck) Focus:**You need to identity whom you have read (i.e., Nonini, Clarke, and Munck) and what their arguments and conclusions are.
Guide Neoliberalism: What are the premises underyling the notion of a neoliberal state? What is role of free markets? What does Harvey see as tensions
and contradictions in the general theory of the neoliberal state? What is the neoliberal theory of technological change? How does Harvey characterize the
éneoliberal state in practiceé? Why does Harvey think the neoliberal state is unstable? What does Nonini mean by éneoliberalism as a rhetorical and
material projecté? What does Nonini mean by éneoliberal rhetoric and the disciplining of localesé? What is the éirony of transnational corporate
neoliberalismé? How is violence enacted in North Carolina and East Asia? What are the interconnections of financial crisis, the IMFés neoliberal conditions,
and ethnic violence? (Harvey, Nonini) Ignore the Harvey.