The Nervous System (NS)

Type your answers directly on this form. Save it correctly. Then attach it and submit in BB.

Most diseases of the nervous system can be classified as affecting function or are vascular.

The diseases can be classified as chronic or communicable. There are also conditions that are not classified as diseases (like injuries).

Finally they involve other body systems. In this assignment you will be asked to classify and identify these aspects of a variety of diseases.

1.List four nervous system conditions/diseases that affect function. These are diseases that affect your ability to do things.

2.List one disease that is vascular.

3.For each of the diseases/disorders listed below—list the other body system(s) that is/are affected or involved with each disease/disorder (beyond the NS). Notethey may affect more than one other body system. You need to list all the systems involved


Is this chronic, communicable or injurious

What other body system(s) is/are involved/affected. These are systems other than the NS

Spinal Column Injury





Traumatic Brain Injury


Part 2

You can get up to 3 points ( 1 point for each row that is complete and correct)

List one disease/condition/disorder of the integumentary system and fill out the chart.

List one disease/condition/disorder of the eyes/sight and fill out the chart.

List one disease/condition/disorder of the ears/hearing and fill out the chart.

Disease/Condition-type it next to the system/sense

List the disease in this column

Cause (injury, chronic, communicable)

What other systems are affected by this or influenced by it?




Part 3


Part 1-5 points

Part 2 -5 points

Sp/G-0-1 error ok 2-3 errors (-0.5) more than 3 errors (-1.0)

EC up to 2 points

Blood-Part 1 (5 points)

In your own words, explain why Type O is the universal donor, but can only receive blood from other Type O individuals. Use scientific terminology. Type your answer below

5-accurate, thorough, succinct, uses scientific terminologybut is clearly your own words

4-accurate, thorough, succinct, minimal use of scientific terms

3-accurate, no or almost scientific terms

2-small inaccuracy, thorough, succinct, no scientific terminology.

1-inaccuraceies, no scientific terms.

0-not done, clearly not your words.

Immunity Part 2- give an example of each one below. Same grading as above

Passive Immunity

Active Immunity

Naturally Acquired Immunity

Artificially Acquired Immunity

Extra Credit (2 points)

Explain how the immune system, lymphatic system, and circulatory system work together to keep us healthy.

Part 4

(Respiratory, Digestive, Muscular, Skeletal). Type directly on this sheet, save correctly and submit.

Choose one of the diseases listed below.



Muscular dystrophy




Arthritis (any type)


Cystic Fibrosis





Celiac Disease


Carpal tunnel syndrome


Food poisoning


Pagets disease

Part I

List the disease below

Explain how it affects the functioning of one system from this week(respiratory, digestive, muscular, or skeletal).

Explain how it affects a second one of the systems (from a prior week)cardiovascular, blood, immune, lymph, nervous, senses, skin

EX.. ( I am using one not on the list)

Spinal Stenosis

It causes a narrowing in spinal column (skeletal).

Nervous-it causes pressure on nerves that can lead to numbness in legs or weakness in legs

Now your answer

Part 2

Choose one disease from any four of the systems studied this week (respiratory, digestive, skeletal or muscular). List it below

Explain which population is most at risk and why (eg, children because it has to do with losing immunity, Hispanic women because they have higher rates of blood pressure than others, people with Mediterranean descent because it is genetically passed).

Scoring tool

Part I

Chose one of the listed diseases


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