The Phantom of the opera

History of the creators
Plot summary
Importance of songs
Info regarding Broadway run (such as length, location, box office, etc…)
Reviews: Broadway
Stars: Broadway
Other: Broadway
Legacy (what effect did it have on American Musical Theatre).
Other tidbits of information
10 pages, double spaced

Start with an attention getter to draw the audience to getting imaginative but stay on topic. Establish a thesis in the first paragraph, what do you think of this Musical? Does it have a lasting legacy, establish something that you can use as a through-line and tie each piece of your research back to and conclude the paper with.

You must cite a minimum of five sources, our book may be one of these, (wikipedia is not a credible source, perhaps they cite a publication that you can get a hold of – go down the rabbit hole and find the credible source). Your sources must be cited in the paper and have a bibliography at the end in the following format:

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