The relationship between risk and return.


1)In this module we discussed the relationship between risk and return.
Tell us what do your think your risk tolerance is? What is your goal of your long term investment if you have $100,000 today? How are you going to planning on your investment portfolio? and Why?
Discuss why do you think some companies has higher debt ratio( for example, utility companies) while other companies (like high
tech) has lower debt ratio? You could elaborate your argument with a company or a stock you have strong interest in.
Can the cash cycle be positive or negative or both? Why? What kind of industry has a shorter cash cycle? what kind of industry has a longer cash cycle? Why cash cycle is important to the company? You could cite a
company you researched and add a citation in your post. If you will post a you tube video, you need to first summarize what the main points discussed in the video. For any post you share please explain why you think
this article, example or video is helpful for us to understand why this ratio is important to that particular company.




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