The role groups in the organization that will be responsible for implementation.


Training and educating those within an organization who are responsible for implementing and working with changes in organizational policy is a critical step in ensuring that prescribed changes have their intended benefit. A leader in a health care profession must be able to apply effective leadership, management, and educational strategies to ensure that colleagues and subordinates will be prepared to do the work that is asked of them.

As a master’s-level health care practitioner, you may be asked to design training sessions to help ensure the smooth implementation of any number of initiatives in your health care setting. The ability to create an agenda that will ensure your training goals will be met, and will fit into the allotted time, is a valuable skill for preparing colleagues to be successful in their practice.

This assessment offers you an opportunity to develop and implement effective educational strategies.


To help ensure a smooth rollout and implementation of your proposed policy and practice guidelines, design a training session presentation for one of the role groups in the organization that will be responsible for implementation.

Provide a brief summary of your strategies for working with your chosen role group.
Explain the impact of the new policy on the group and the importance of the change to improve quality of care.
Explain how the group is important in implementing your proposed policy and practice guidelines and why you chose this group to pilot your proposal.
Determine appropriate instructional content and explain to the group the learning activities and materials they should expect during the training session.
Prepare an annotated agenda for a two-hour training session.
During this training session, you will want to ensure that the individuals you are training understand the new policy and practice guidelines. You will need them to buy into the importance of the policy in improving the quality of care or outcomes and their key role in successful policy implementation. You must help them acquire the knowledge and skills they need to be successful in implementing the policy and practice guidelines.

As outcomes of this training session, participants are expected to:

Understand the organizational policy and practice guidelines to be implemented.
Understand the importance of the policy to improving quality or outcomes.
Understand that, as a group, they are key to successful implementation.
Possess the necessary knowledge and skills for successful implementation.
The strategy summary and annotated training agenda requirements outlined below correspond to the scoring guide criteria, so be sure to address each main point. Read the performance-level descriptions for each criterion to see how your work will be assessed. In addition, be sure to note the requirements for document format and length and for supporting evidence.

Summarize evidence-based strategies for working with the role group to obtain their buy-in and prepare them to implement the new policy and apply the associated practice guidelines to their work.
Why will these strategies be effective?
What measures might provide early indications of success?

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