1) How has the historical-critical method in the past two or three decades developed in relation to the theological exegesis of the Hebrew Bible? Give the scholarly consensus as expressed by R. Albertz, and add to that your own judgment as well.
2) Describe some of the basic aspects of the social, political and theological crisis of the Exile by referring to passages like Lamentations 1-5 and Jeremiah 30-33.
3) Describe the various stages in the building of the Second Temple according to Ezra 1-6
4) Describe the various stages in the relation between the political and religious autonomy and identity of the Temple State of Judah between 587 and 164 BCE.
5) What were the problems the Jews faced after the Exile and how were they solved? Give a general overview by referring to R. Albertz, and high lighten then one or two of the following aspects: Absence of Davidic Kingdom, Emergence of profession of Scribes, Canonization of Torah and Prophets, Personal Piety, Encounter with Persian and Hellenistic Religions, Wisdom Literature, Eschatology and Apocalypticism, Split with Samarians, Beginning of Biblical Interpretation.